What I can help you with...


Social Media

  • Monthly Social Media Content Schedule 
  • Managing your community (answering DM & comments)
  • Creating content for your different platform(s).

Website Designing

  • Creation of a WordPress website/blog/portfolio.
  • Creation of a Shopify Shop.
  • (Re)Vamping your existing WordPress/Shopify website.


  • Email, Diary & CRM Management
  • Translation from English to French
  • Answering email & schedule meetings 


  • Travel Planning, in England or Abroad.  
  •  Sourcing Accommodation 
  •  Maximising your travel budget

Let me answer your doubt

Frequently Asked Questions

I can assist you with a wide range of tasks to make your business thrive. Maybe you need help to (re)design your website, create a logo or you need a hand with your branding. I can help give your brand its identity.

Maybe social media isn’t generating the results you’d hoped for? I can help you gain followers by planning your posts and making sure your socials medias are appealing. I can boost engagement by interacting with your followers through comments and DM’s and place audience specific ad’s so your ads are reaching your target audience.

I can also take care of planning trips as well handling all aspects of admin work. My goal is to help you free up your time to focus on the runnings of your business.

A virtual assistant would be a  good fit for you if:

  • Employing someone full/part time to take care of tasks that don’t warrant a contracted employee.
  • You find some parts of your business overwhelming and you need help with the behind the scenes jobs.
  • You want to free up some time, wether you want that well deserved holiday or have more important things to focus on.
  • You just aren’t as good at certain parts of running a business, nobody likes a know it all! I will give you the chance to concentrate on the skills you excel in.

You may be smashing it at the moment and think there is no need for an online assistant. But maybe it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labour and let me take care of the time consuming tasks. Or maybe your can invest your energy into the more important jobs that are going to bring you the money!

YES! You don’t need to pay for my training, my break, my holidays, insurance, benefits, equipments (I could keep going)… You only get billed for the hours I’m working and focus on you and your business only. There is no hidden cost.   

You can’t put a price on your time. Whether you need to go to the gym, go on a cruise or reinvest it into other areas of your business, hiring me will give you the chance to do whatever you would like with your new gap in your schedule.

In 2024 working remote has never been so easy. There are app’s such as Toggl, Notion to track time and tasks, Zoom, Slack or Whatsapp to communicate to that allow us to safely work together virtually, from sharing password, files or information to managing an account.  Whatever your needs, we can communicate through email, WhatsApp or zoom call.


How it works

Step One

First of all, you need to get in touch. Then we can talk about the struggle(s) you’re facing within your business to determine what areas you will need my help with. 

Step two

After a maximum of 72 hours, I will contact you with a detailed plan of action, a price, and a contract for you to agree to before we are able to start working together.

Step three

Now it’s time for me to start working on your project! Feel free to contact me at any stage of the process via the platform agreed upon, but I will always keep you updated throughout…


If you feel overwhelmed with certain aspects of running a business, maybe some tasks are too time consuming or you just don’t enjoy them. I would love to help you on your journey. Wether that’s to allow you to do the part of your job you love or just free up the time for a holiday or two. I’ll have your back either way!