Rates & packaging

Hourly Rates

You buy as many hours (or as little) as you need every month.
Invoice(s) are sent on a monthly basis. Please note that I take an upfront payment of 3 hours for ad hoc work, if more hours are booked they will be charged at the end of the month. Price is per hour.


Monthly Retainer

Minimum of 3 months. So you can be sure i'll be available for you, whenever you need me throughout our contract. You will always get reminded the number of hours you've got left. 10% of any unused hours can be rolled over to the following month.



450 £
15 hours of support
  • Priority Customer
  • Smaller Project


900 £
30 hours of support
  • Priority Customer
  • medium Project


1500 £
50 hours of support
  • Priority Customer
  • Bigger project

Please don't hesitate to message me via the contact page If you have
any queries or need any advice on what package best suits your needs.

You've got a new message

Email & Diary Management


Email Detox (One off purchase)

Do you need a fresh start with your email inbox. Organise everything with folders. Unsuscribe all those marketing emails you don't have time to read and make you miss the important ones. Click on the title to get more info +


Email Management (monthly)

You need someone to manage, filter and check your emails twice a day (5 days a week). Reply to basics customer service inquiry and class all those important e-mails so don't miss any of them anymore! Click on the title to get more info +

Let's get trendy

Social Media Management

One time Setup

Are you a new business that wants to start with a bang or an older business wanting to reap the rewards social media can bring you? If so I will help create you your desired social media accounts, write your bio’s and provide templates for your first posts to get you started.
Click on the title to get more info +


Community Management

Are you not having gaining the traction you had hoped for on your social media platforms. Well I can help you with creating posts targeting your audience, engaging with your community, organizing and replying to all DMs and comments on a daily basis. Even place adds that are tailored to hit your target audience, leading to more customers. Click on the title to get more info +


Online shop or Portfolio

Website Design



Shopify from Scratch

Transform your online business with a bespoke, easy to use Shopify store design. I will create you a tailored, user-friendly, visually appealing shopping experience that will reflect your brand and drive sales, ensuring seamless functionality and growth for your e-commerce venture. 
Price will depend on your timeline and preferences.



Wordpress from Scratch

Your website is the introduction to your brand. And what better way to introduce them than with a new WordPress site. I will design and build a user-friendly, eye catching website that fits perfectly with your branding and engages your audience.
Price will depend on your timeline and preferences.

Let's get in touch!

Email detox

Do you need a fresh start with your email inbox? Organise everything with folders. Unsuscribe all those junk emails that clog up your inbox making you miss the important ones.

– Unsuscribe from any newsletters or unwanted emails.

– Arrange all your emails into different categorised folders.

– Filter your inbox for better future management.

Email management

You don’t have time to stay updated with your emails daily and you miss important inquiries or reminders… This service will allow you to have an empty inbox, without being overwhelmed by the need to check-in it all day long.

– Emails will be check twice a day – in the morning and in the afternoon (Monday to Friday)

– Creating and Managing Folders by category needed to be stress-free.

– Responding to quick customer service or customer inquiry. 

– Notify you about urgent inquiry, or reminders.

One time setup

You never been really good with social media and you need a hand to help you to start your journey on social media. 

– Creation of your Social Media Account.

– A bio optimised for your target audience to catch their attention.

– One month worth of posts for your selected Social Media.

– Template and highlight custom to match your branding.

Managing community

Are you not having gaining the traction you had hoped for on your social media platforms. Well I can help you with creating posts targeting your audience, engaging with your community, organizing and replying to all DMs and comments on a daily basis. Even place adds that are tailored to hit your target audience, leading to more customers.

– Creation of weekly content 

– Interacting with your community posts to reach a bigger audience.

– Filtering  and replying to inquiries in your Dms 

*Prices will depend on the number of hours you need of social media management